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Writer's pictureFresh Hope Healing Center

5 Acupuncture Tips for a Healthy Fall

Updated: Oct 14, 2024

Fall is here in Wisconsin, and in Traditional Chinese Medicine, each season is linked with a natural

element, organ, and emotion.

The element, organ, and emotion for fall are, respectively, Metal, Lung,

and Grief. These three things guide us throughout the season. Here are five tips for a healthy fall:

1. Make a list of your priorities

Fall is the time to get down to business and gain some clarity about what matters most. It’s

important to write a list of those priorities and glance at it throughout the season. We should all

use our metal-esque qualities: strong, focused, determined, to get stuff done.

2. Wear a scarf

Acupuncturists love scarves! The reasoning behind this is that the Lung is the most exterior

organ and your first line of defense against external pathogenic factors. As it gets colder, the

lung organ is extremely vulnerable. Pathogenic factors such as wind & cold invade the body at

the back of the neck, so keeping that area protected in the fall is very important.

3. Reframe grief

The emotion related with fall is grief. This is the time of year to pull inward and to reflect on any

unresolved sadness. This can be an adjustment after the energy and warmth summer has to

bring, but it is normal to feel somewhat somber & pensive in the fall. If at any time you feel that

you might be suffering from seasonal affective disorder or depression, please contact your


4. Stay hydrated

Dryness of all kinds is very common in the fall. Since Lung is the most exterior organ, it relates

most closely to the skin. Rashes and dry skin tend to show up during this season. Make sure to

drink your 8 glasses of water daily and keep your skin hydrated with moisturizer.

Another reason to stay hydrated is to help regulate digestion. The Lung’s paired organ is Large

Intestine. So digestive issues, like constipation, can be common this time of year. But keep in

mind that acupuncture can help with this health concern.

5. Eat warm foods

The cool, refreshing salads you enjoyed over the summer will not do you any favors come fall.

This is the time of year that we need to eat warm, cooked foods. Instead of cereal with cold

milk, choose oatmeal. At lunch, enjoy roasted veggies over brown rice. When cooking meals,

incorporate onions, garlic, ginger, or mustard – these pungent foods are also known to benefit

the Lung organ.

While grocery shopping, choose fall vegetables: carrots, turnips, sweet potatoes, squash, or

pumpkins, to fill your cart. And don’t forget the delicious fall fruits: apples, pears, grapes or figs.

I hope these tips help you to feel your best this fall season. Enjoy this beautiful season!

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